Sample Paragraph of Statement of Interdisciplinarity
This statement is a short piece that provides context about my interdisciplinarity and the value it holds for the community. This essay is structured to demonstrate a reflection about my journey, what interdisciplinarity is and means for my disciplines, an understanding of my disciplines, and the significance of my interdisciplinarity for stakeholders. This statement is a great way to understand what interdisciplinary studies is really about and serves as a forefront for understanding myself as a student here at VCU.
Web of Disciplines: Computer Science, Business, and Technical Writing
This interdisciplinary map of my disciplines displays an overview of each of my disciplines and breaks down all of their phenomena, epistemology, core beliefs, theories, and methods. This map was created to identify each of my disciplines intersections and disagreements within these fields. This map provides a visual interpretation of my disciplines in a way that allows me to see advantages through both intersections and disagreements of my interdisciplinarity to solve real-world problems.
Full Video Analysis of Parental Leave through Business
This is a disciplinary analysis on the problem of parental leave utilizing the singular discipline of business. This is a seven-minute long presentation explaining an in-depth overview of business, an analysis on the actions the discipline of business would take to solve this problem, and the strengths and limitations of business that would occur relative to the issue of paid family leave. For this presentation, I was able to analyze, research, and identify an effective solution for paid family leave through the perspective of a single discipline, business.
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Sample of Introduction on Analysis of Parental Leave through Multiple Perspectives
This is an integrated version of the disciplinary analysis using multiple disciplines of business, computer science, and psychology to solve the problem of parental leave. The essay is structured to explain an overview of the problem, an identification of the disciplines used to understand the problem, a disagreement among the disciplines, and an interdisciplinary integration of how to solve the problem. This analysis displays how not one singular discipline can solve any major real-world complex problems. Utilizing multiple disciplines to understand a problem helps for multiple audiences to fully understand and analyze the problem to come up with a stronger solution.
Snippets of Major Finder Mobile App Design
This is a major finder mobile app design for the Virginia Commonwealth University. This app provides a user interface design for a series steps including login/create account, profile, writing posts, post feed, taking major quiz, results, and a ton more information. This prototype is usable and created in Figma starting from scratch. All information was written and designed by me. Check out the prototype by clicking below!